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Focused Curriculum

Focused Curriculum | Preparatory Boarding School | Grand River Academy | Austinburg OH

By specializing in a program of their interest at Grand River Academy, students will increase their likelihood of being accepted into one of their top university/ or college choices.

With Grand River Academy’s focused curriculum program, our students are able to concentrate their course of study in specific areas, similar to a minor in college. Students choosing to focus in one of these four areas of study then choose elective courses within these subject areas.

Focused curriculum tracks

  • The STEM Focused Curriculum
  • The Humanities Focused Curriculum
  • English & Composition Focused Curriculum
  • Visual & Fine Arts Focused Curriculum

The aim of this innovative program at our college preparatory boarding school is to ready our young men for the university structure, where they will be specializing in an area of interest. By specializing in a program of their interest at Grand River Academy, students will increase their likelihood of being accepted into one of their top university/ or college choices. A secondary benefit of this program is that seniors will get a chance to "test" and "explore" a possible major for college.

Staff Profile

David Crowell, Director of Teaching & Learning

Talk with David about your son's academic future.